Tuesday, May 10, 2011

خواطر جت على بالي

البلوج ده مختلف شوية عن البلوجات اللي كتبتها قبل كده. أنا هاكتب فيه حاجات ملهاش أي علاقة ببعض بتيجي على بالي وانا قاعد مع نفسي. البلوج حاعمله تحديث كل شوية. ممكن ناس تتفق معايا أو تختلف. مش مهم. المهم إني هاكتب وخلاص اللي يحصل يحصل. أهم حاجة نتفق عليها هي اختلاف الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية.


من أسبوع كده بعت تويت لنجيب ساويرس وكان نصها كالتالي:

@NaguibSawiris Please ask Masrawy's developers to show the comment ratings (number of likes VS dislikes). This might turrn out to be useful.

الغريب إنه بعدها بحوالي خمس أيام لقيت مصراوي عمل نيو لوك وحط فيها الكلام اللي طلبته. مش عارف لو ده كان صدفة أو لأ بس أنا طبعا سقف طموحاتي لازم يعلا النهارده بعت التويت دي:

@NaguibSawiris It'll also be useful "Actually useful for #Masrawy" that people login using their Facebook account to write their comments

خلينا نشوف اللي حيحصل :)


النظام المصري البائد نجح إنه يخلي الشعب المصري يفقد قدرته على الإقناع والإقتناع. للاسف احنا بقالنا فترة بنمشي بالنظام التالي: دايما اللي فوقك بيفهم أكتر منك وإنت تسمع كلامه. اللي تحتك يسمع كلامك. اللي جنبك اللي صوته أعلى يكسب. كانت النتيجة إنه أول ماالنظام مشي الناس كلها قعدِت تجعر.


جو الفتونة اللي شغال اليومين دول تحت مسمى الدفاع عن الإسلام, أنا بس عايز اقولكم إنه الاسلام بدايته كان الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام لوحده "والله معه". لو مكنش اخلاقه سمحة وجميلة كان لا يمكن حد يتبعه. في القران: "ادْعُ إِلَى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُمْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ [النحل:125]" شفتوا "وَجَادِلْهُمْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ". يعني المفروض الرد على الإساءة مايكونش أبدا بالإساءة وفرض العضلات خصوصا مع ناس إنت واجبك إنك تحميهم.


العالم الإفتراضي دلوقتي بقى وجه اخر للعالم الحقيقي. خلي بالك على كلامك اللي بتكتبه أو بتقوله أو بتدونه.



إذا كان بعض الناس ماتعرفش إنه بعض المذاهب المسيحية لا تعترف بالإسلام كدين. بيقولوا على المسلمين "اتباع محمد". إذا كانت دي حاجة تضايقك ابدأ بنفسك ومتناديش الناس بحاجة ممكن تضايقهم. كونك قلت لواحد يا مسيحي أو يا قبطي مش كفر بالله ولا حاجة.


في حاجات تانية فبالي بس حكتبها بعدين ان شاء الله. عندي شغل كتير اليومين دول...

سلام :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long time no see

Hello all,

I haven't blogged for a huge amount of time. I really missed blogging. I actually don't know what to say here. Lots of events have happened since my last blog. This year was very fruitful for me. For example, Now I have a Masters degree. Believe it or not but it's really true. Also, "Ahora mas o menos puedo hablar castellano" means "Now, I can more or less speak Spanish". The past days were really strange, weird, fast and new. I was very tired, I had lots of fun, I was very depressed, and I was extremely happy. I've been to the Bay Area again. My second internship was with Google Earth. It was very useful. I learned a lot. I worked for too much time. I really got introduced to great people. It was an awesome experience.

Now I am in Spain. Writing a paper that's definitely going to be rejected from CVPR. Sending a very simple work to the best Computer Vision conference. Nobody is excited about it but we are interested in getting the feedback. May be we can incorporate it and send the paper to another place.

Who knows what's going to happen next. I have lots of news to share. I just want to catch the right time to reveal it. The next couple of months are very crucial. They'll decide lots of things. I know the blog seems mysterious. However, that's how I really feel right now. Stay tuned. I'll try to keep on posting updates.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

CVC Presentation (Presenting myself and my country)


As I'm now in Spain I should use "Hola" instead of any "Hello" that's the only thing I learned in this country.
So my research group was expecting a presentation about myself and my country and I thought about sharing it with everybody here.
It's on that link. I thought about starting a new trend which is doing my presentations using Google docs. I hope the people will like it. I'll do the presentation after 3 hours from now.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Google Voice + Gizmo5 = Free Calls from and to USA on your Android phone

Hello there. It's been a long time since I wrote my last post to the blog. I missed writing very much. I also think that lots of events happened to me and I wrote nothing about them. Anyways, In this post I'll write about a way to make 100% free calls from and to USA phones and when you just install it anywhere in the world it will also work for you.

First you'll need:
  1. A Google Voice account. It's currently by invitation only. Look for a friend of you who has some invitations and buy him a bar of chocolate. (I have some invitations by the way ;))
  2. A Gizmo5 account. It's FREE. Just go to the website and create a free account.
  3. At Google voice account settings. You should add a phone number. Again you'll need some help from a friend. Give his number and make a test call where you hear the confirmation code and copy it from him. I think there are some programs that can give you a virtual phone number. I think localphone.com does this but I haven't tried it with them. Anyway feel free to solve this issue by any possible means.
  4. Now you can add a Gizmo5 phone number to your Google voice account. Add your Gizmo5 number at this point.
  5. At Gizmo5 account settings add your Google voice number. You'll figure out how as soon as you login to the website.
  6. Install guava on your Android phone.
To make free calls:

Make a call from your Android phone using Google Voice.

To receive free calls:

Simply let anyone call your Google voice number.

  1. You don't need a SIM card in your phone to do this trick. Only using a WiFi is enough.
  2. If you don't have an Android phone. Theoretically, as I didn't try it, when you make a Google voice call you can receive the call from any Gizmo5 client like from your PC as an example. Or if Gizmo5 is supported on your phone you can download a client and that will be enough.
  3. Maximum call from your phone is 3 minutes and you can receive unlimited number of minutes.
  4. You can call USA using smartvoip for FREE. This will let you call your friends who are doing this trick for free on both sides.
That's all. I hope this helps. See you later :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE)

For the first time in its history, Stanford is offering some of its most popular engineering classes free of charge to students and educators around the world. Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) expands the Stanford experience to students and educators online. A computer and an Internet connection is all you need. View lecture videos, access reading lists and other course handouts, take quizzes and tests, and communicate with other SEE students, all at your convenience.

This fall, SEE launches its programming by offering one of Stanford’s most popular sequences: the three-course Introduction to Computer Science taken by the majority of Stanford’s undergraduates and seven more advanced courses in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering.

Stanford Engineering Everywhere offers:

  • Anytime and anywhere access to complete lecture videos via streaming or downloaded media.
  • Full course materials including syllabi, handouts, homework, and exams.
  • Online social networking with fellow SEE students.
  • Support for PCs, Macs and mobile computing devices.

Stanford encourages fellow educators to use Stanford Engineering course materials in their own classrooms. A Creative Commons license allows for free and open use, reuse, adaptation and redistribution of Stanford Engineering Everywhere material.

Get Started

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I liked the java.awt.Robot class so I decided to make my ExtendedRobot class and add some functionalities that I used in some of my applications.

Functions added:
  • getMousePosition: returns the mouse position relevant to the screen
  • getCurrentPixelColor: returns the color of the pixel the mouse is pointing at
More is coming, just stay tuned ...!

Bowling Buddies Bot

I thought about writing a bot for the Facebook's Bowling buddies game.
The idea of the bot is as follows:
  • Go with the mouse to the upper left area.
  • The bot goes to the ball.
  • It presses the mouse click.
  • It moves backward then forward releasing the ball.
It's very funny and it's already working but the problem is that every time the bot holds the ball and releases it, it is launched in a different way (I think that's intended by the developers of the game) so I didn't find a good configuration that allows for always getting strikes in the game.

I'll leave you with the source code and if you found something useful that allows me to do a perfect game just tell me please.


Friday, May 30, 2008

The Word Challenge's Bot (UPDATED)

Instead of trying all combinations of words using the first bot, a wonderful modification was added. I used the dictionary located here and used only the words inside it.
The difference is amazing.
Try it here.